Results Found 95 results were found

How the Civil Administration aids and abets illegal construction


A new Regavim petition to the High Court of Justice has exposed an illegal internal protocol created by the Civil Administration, an arm of the Ministry of Defense. The very people in charge of enforcement are aiding and encouraging illegal construction! Let’s say theres an illegal structure built by an Arab in Area C, which […]

Illegal construction continues while the authorities play ping-pong


We’ve often mentioned the “Order for Demolition of New Structures” – legislation from 2018 that was approved by the High Court in recent rulings. On paper, the legislation empowers the demolition of new, illegal structures in Judea and Samaria within 96 hours. However, since the legislation was passed, the Civil Administration has rarely used the […]

PA ‘celebrated’ Passover with illegal construction blitz in Area C


The Palestinian Authority (PA) took advantage of the Passover holiday recess for large-scale illegal construction, including sites already under court-issued work-stop orders. Regavim: “This pattern repeats itself over each holiday, and the Israeli authorities continue to do nothing to prevent it.” While Israelis enjoyed the week-long Passover holiday, the PA used the Civil Administration’s vacation […]

Who’s providing illegal construction in Area C?


Freedom of Information Petition: Who is providing electricity to illegal Palestinian construction? The Regavim Movement has petitioned the Jerusalem District Court, after the Civil Administration refused to provide data on the extent of electricity connections apparently supplied by the East Jerusalem Electric Company, an Israeli subsidiary of the Israel Electric Company which is subject to […]

Illegal construction at the UNTSO compound in Jerusalem


Regavim’s petition regarding the UNTSO Compound in Armon HaNatziv continues. In March 2017, Regavim petitioned the Jerusalem Magistrates Court for a temporary injunction requiring the Israeli authorities to issue evacuation and restoration orders against illegal construction at the UNTSO compound in Armon HaNatziv, in southern Jerusalem. This petition was the result of Regavim’s discovery that […]

A game-changing law against illegal construction


Following a legislative initiative over a decade in the works, the Knesset last week passed the “Kaminitz Law,” granting the state greater authority when it comes to enforcement with regard to construction violations throughout the country. The legislation, known as amendment 109 of the Planning and Building Law, which passed 43-33 in a special session […]

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