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Allenby Crossing Terror Attack


Following the murderous terrorist attack at the Allenby border crossing this morning (Sunday), the Regavim movement is calling on the government to “stop all humanitarian aid convoys from Jordan destined for Hamas.” As far as we know, the attack that did not involve a truck from a so-called “humanitarian” convoy bound for Hamas. Nevertheless, potential […]

The “terrorist authority” strikes again!


We already know what Palestinian Authority officials think about the October 7th massacre ( How long will we continue deluding ourselves that the PA is a “partner for peace?” Regavim’s hard-hitting report, “Officers by Day, Terrorists by Night,” ( provides details of dozens of Palestinian Authority police officers who have murdered and maimed Israelis. Since […]

Naomi Kahn Responds to Viral Video


Naomi Kahn, Director of the International Division at Regavim, responds to this viral video – – and the false story

Tour of the Judean Desert Nature Reserve


Not a mirage: Yesterday, we hosted a press tour of the Judean Desert Nature Reserve, and it was truly heart-wrenching. The journalists who joined us saw with their own eyes how, in direct violation of the Oslo Accords and the Wye River Memorandum, illegal construction in the nature reserve has spiraled out of control, under […]